WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s legislative goals for infrastructure:
“Rebuilding, modernizing, and improving America’s infrastructure is an important goal that extends across party lines and a need that is recognized across the country. From repairing and finishing our roads and bridges to improving access to rural broadband, infrastructure reform provides us an opportunity to better connect our communities, encourage new investments, and make it easier to continue building and growing our country.
“I welcome President Trump’s commitment to improving America’s infrastructure—particularly when it comes to rural communities—and I appreciate his leadership in moving this process forward. The proposal released today is a great starting point that I’m confident will lead to a strong and comprehensive legislative proposal. It’s now time for Congress to continue our work to craft infrastructure legislation that will remove regulatory obstacles, strengthen surface transportation, improve our waterways, and help close the digital divide. Through my committee assignments, I am excited to play an integral role in this process, and I will continue fighting for West Virginia priorities as we move forward to develop infrastructure legislation.”
BACKGROUND: Through her Capito Connect plan, Senator Capito has long worked to improve access to rural broadband in West Virginia and across the country. She has written to the administration a number of times and spoken directly with President Trump and various administration officials to ensure rural broadband be included in any infrastructure package.
In the Senate, she is a member of the Appropriations Committee; the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee; the Energy and Natural Resources Committee; the Environment and Public Works Committee—all of which have jurisdiction over infrastructure issues and will play a role in crafting infrastructure legislation.


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