To watch Senator Capito’s interview, click here or on the image above.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – This morning, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of both the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) and the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, joined Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” to discuss antisemitism occurring across the country, particularly on college campuses. She also slammed the Biden administration for their illegal attempt to close American power plants.


ON THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION’S POOR RESPONSE TO ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS: “The president should have been there day one. Where has he been? When the Rabbi at Columbia University says to the Jewish students: ‘you better stay off campus, you're not safe.’ They have faculty there that has safety concerns, you see how it escalated into such a destructive protest, and, yet, silence, crickets from the president. What was he doing? Was he deciding whose side he's on or how he's going to phrase it? No, this should never be acceptable on any campus, I mean, or anywhere in this country. Antisemitism should be extinguished in this country. It has to come from the president, and he's had a very weak response.”

ON SECRETARY CARDONA’S REFUSAL TO SEND INVESTIGATORS TO WITNESS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY’S RIOTS FIRSTHAND: “Well, you know, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act says you can't discriminate in this way that's occurring all across college campuses. [Secretary Cardona] comes to our committee and says, ‘I need more money for my civil rights department so that we can investigate all these incidences.’ And to me, the simple way to see it, is to be on the campus, to be there and have firsthand knowledge of what's occurring, and yet, the priority- they don't even send somebody to New York or call somebody out of the- out of the Department of Education in New York. I mean, it's so discouraging. It was so weak and unresponsive. They've spent all their time eliminating student debt. They've messed up the applications for financial aid for students. And then just sort of very weakly waded into the antisemitism on campus argument. This has to come, as I said earlier, from the top.”

ON THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION’S PLAN TO BRING PALESTINIAN REFUGEES TO AMERICA BEFORE SECURING THE RELEASE OF AMERICAN HOSTAGES HELD BY HAMAS: “Well, let's look at the situation. We have American hostages being held in Gaza right now, and that situation has been going on for months now, and we don't know how many of them are still alive. We don't know even, you know, where they are, or anything. So, those are American citizens. President Biden left Afghan interpreters who helped us for years, endangered their lives, he left them in Afghanistan and did, you know, did nothing to try to bring those folks back who had helped us, and- now he wants to open up our- our bounty and our- our country to Gazan citizens, and prioritize that?It's political. It's all political and- and it just is so aggravating to me. It's- it's unfair, but it sends the wrong signals around the world.Who we willing to stand up against? Are we willing to stand up against terrorists that use sex as a weapon of war? I mean, it's just, I think, misplaced and, and honestly, you say to yourself, ‘are they serious about this?’ I mean, could you actually think that that's going to please the American public and that that's the fair way to do this?”

ON THE EPA’S ILLEGAL ANTI-ENERGY REGULATIONS: “Yes, it is illegal. Again, it's an example of the administration over-regulating over what Congress has explicitly legislated to. This will lead to the closure of all the coal plants here in my state in a short period of time, which throws a lot of people out a job, it raises electricity rates, but it also endangers the grid. He's on the one hand- here we go again, on the one hand, saying, ‘you're going to drive an electric car, we're going to have an AI society,’ which is a huge energy consumer, and on the other hand, ‘we're going to get rid of all the baseline baseload fuel providers, like natural gas and coal.’ Where are we going to get the energy for this? He's endangering, I think, our future, and also, we're not going to be able to help our allies when they have issues with energy. So, we're going to fight this, we're going to overturn it. We're going to have bipartisan support, and I look forward to that.”

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