CHARLESTON, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) made stops today in Charleston and Rock Branch at a National Guard COVID-19 equipment distribution center and food bank, and at West Virginia’s largest vaccine clinic.

First, Senator Capito visited the state’s largest vaccine clinic in Charleston. She toured the facility and received a briefing on the latest vaccine efforts from local health, city, and state officials.

“Without fail, one of the first questions people ask me is how West Virginia became the national leader in distributing and administering vaccines,” Senator Capito said. “I tell them that it is in large part due to the dedication of those on the ground in facilities like this working to get shots in arms as quickly as possible. The collaboration between our state and local health departments, as well as our local businesses, National Guard, and universities working together has been nothing short of outstanding”

“It’s an honor to welcome Senator Capito to our clinic and show her how Kanawha County and West Virginia are leading the way in COVID-19 vaccine distribution. She and her team have worked hard to support our vaccination efforts and it will be wonderful for her to see it in person,” Dr. Sherri Young, health officer and executive director of the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department, said.

Then, Senator Capito visited a National Guard warehouse in Rock Branch that stores and distributes PPE, syringes, biohazard containers, ventilators, and other equipment necessary to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. She also toured a regional food bank on site that the National Guard, West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, Facing Hunger Food Bank, and Mountaineer Food Bank operate as part of a joint partnership.

“West Virginians continue to show incredible resiliency in overcoming the many challenges of the COVID pandemic, and our state’s National Guard has been at the forefront every step of the way,” Senator Capito said. “It was great to see firsthand the work being done to ensure our medical facilities and other organizations have the equipment they need to keep people safe, as well as how local groups are pitching in help those in need provide food for their families.”

“We were happy to have Senator Capito with us today and enjoyed showing her some of what the West Virginia National Guard is doing to help assist during the pandemic,” Brigadier General Bill Crane, West Virginia National Guard Adjutant General, said.

Keep scrolling for more photos from today’s visits:

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U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) visits a COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Charleston, W.Va. on Saturday, February 27, 2021. 

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U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) visits with workers at a COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Charleston, W.Va. on Saturday, February 27, 2021.

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U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) takes a tour of a National Guard warehouse that stores COVID-19 equipment in Rock Branch, W.Va. on Saturday, February 27, 2021.

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